Thursday, March 11, 2010

Clay Playful has launched.

I'm very excited to say that we have registered a business name "Clay Playful" and we have started building our website.  Please take a peek from time to time as it will grow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A new business venture

Friends and I got our heads together a few weeks ago and decided to form our own business.  We were each looking for something to satisfy our creative urges, make money and enable us to stay at home.  My friends have children and I take care of both my parents so we need a business that is home based.  We are polymer clay artists so we have started there.  Each of us has developed different uses for polymer clay so we don't clash.  We will present a variety of items for sale that range from Art Jewellery, Collectible Jack in the Boxes and other Functional Art.  As soon as we are up and running which ought to be very soon I will post a message.