Sunday, February 15, 2009

An attempt to stimulate creativity again

Feeling a little lost at the moment, like looking in from the outside sort of feeling. I started the Low Dose Naltrexone almost 3 weeks ago and was pleased to say I started feeling better but today I've slipped backwards and that can sometimes happen when the healing starts. I'm still optimistic about it all but it's too soon to tell. In the meantime I thought I'd try and motivate the creativity in me by playing with some clay but so far it hasn't been a roaring success so I thought I'd post some of the things I did before Christmas. They are covered boxes and some pendant jewellery.


squash said...

I am so glad to see some new boxes and pendants from you. And really sorry for the pain you must endure :(. I hope everything will work out for you with this new medicine. Big hug!

Artgalcrafts said...

Hi Jan
your boxes and pendants are lovely.
Im sure you are doing well when you can do lovely work like that. All the best Elizabeth.

squash said...

Hi, Jan!
I was just wondering if you were ok, that's all. Hope to see some new clay work from you soon. :)

Janis said...

Yes Squash I'm ok, just busy looking after my parents. I have started to make new things and will post them soon. Thank you for your concern.