Thursday, February 23, 2012

Letters Home WWII (13) April 16 1945

Dad is telling his parents about Mum's breakdown and subsequent loss of memory.  Mum truly fell in love with Dad twice and they married 6 weeks later even though only some of her memory had returned.  I am struck by Dad's calm demeanor but then he was always very calm on the surface.  What he doesn't say in the letter was the lack of support Mum was getting from her parents.  Her father wrote to Dad alright but suggested he forget all about Mum as they were thinking of putting her into an asylum.  Today they would probably diagnose her complete memory loss as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD.  The reasons for her breakdown are in her book "Pavlovas to Popcorn".  It's available from and on Kindle as well (I just had to get a plug in for Mum's book, her Australian War Bride adventure.)

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